Friday, November 11, 2011

Sunday, October 16, 2011

SALTED caramel Hot Chocolate! Yes, that's right!

Salted caramel hot chocolate tastes like a melted snickers... I discovered this delightful creation several years ago at Starbucks. When I have had too much caffeine for the day, but still want a warm soothing drink, I choose this :) .... 

My daughter and I are loving our frothy cups of love and talking and laughing. She is telling me all about her fun night at youth group.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Vice or Virtue?

So, I am sitting and sipping here at Starbucks enjoying my cappuccino and wondering to myself, is my addiction to coffee a vice or virtue? So, I am weighing the pros and cons of it... Here's my tally so far:

-addiction of any kind is bad, right?

-can disrupt my sleep, which I already get very little of, boo!
-can raise my blood pressure, that totally sucks!
-decreases bone density. uh-oh.

-boosts memory. I need ALL the help I can get!

-increases concentration. enough said.
-contains magnesium and chromium which helps control my blood sugar, especially since I use a TON of sugar in my coffee :)
-antioxidants. HELLO! yes, need those, badly!
-lowers my risk of dementia. this one hits home, so my verdict is YES to coffee!

Isn't it virtuous to be good to yourself? I think yes.